Pics Update!
Check out the latest photo alblums:
There are about 4 of them.
Check out the latest photo alblums:
So... there's been this big ol' leftover cabinet-desk blocking our halway entrance for 5 months. (Refer back to "The new kids room" post for where it came from). Anyway, a month ago I spent the better part of 2 hours just breaking it down into pieces to be taken to the trash. That was before I realize that it would have been easier, and cheaper to have the thing picked whole as a piece of furniture (becasue the garbage men won't pick it up).
Our friends put this one together for us. Shot in... May? Hilarious ending!
Well, monkey number two has been crawling for 3 months. (crawling = sliding on her belly like a crocodile in search of prey, or like an army commando crawling across a field of mines). She's been able to sit up by herself (if we help her get into the sitting position she'll stay up without toppling and smacking the floor) for about 1 1/2 months. But the latest, is her ability to go from her stomach, up to a sitting position all alone. It's pretty awesome!
So, the diapers came off about 3 months ago. For the first month it was fun for him, but there were lots of accidents. For the second month it wasn't so fun, in fact he hated the idea of doing it at home (even though he did it at nursery perfectly) and he would almost purposely wet his pants to spite us (or so it seemed). For the third month he enjoyed it, because he could do the whole routine by himelf. Not only that, he enjoyed the privacy. He didn't want anyone watching... although when he was done he would run and out and yell "I HAD A PEE".
Well, I'm probably damning myself for attempting to write this blog, but... after 8 months of hard work, it's finally happened... RIO sleeps through the night! YEAH!!!!!
I know this may be old news for most of you in Canada (who get your movies half a year before they come out over here) but there's a NEW Get Smart. Remember the good ol' days when agent 86 would whip out his shoe phone, request the cone of silence, or just plain old be his usual obnoxious self.
So the Fuzunator went to Canada and got his swimming legs on! A couple dips in the lake every day and he was lovin' it! Upon return to Japan, we searched and found a reasonable pool in close proximity that he could go to practice and have fun.
Today I turned 30. Didn't feel like anything special. Just got up did my stuff as usual, had a chat with the family in Canada and read some birthday mail. Maybe I'll have some cake later.