Year in Review - Year in Preview
Happy New Years and belated Merry Christmas to all!

Well it's 2008 now and a lot of things have happened, or are lined up to happen in the upcoming year. Let's review the second half of 2007 (because I can't remember the first half)!
July - Ituski returned to work.
- Fuzuki started nursery.
August - We went to Hawaii for the Nishida wedding. Very cool! (My advice to everyone is to get married in Hawaii)
October - CELTA course begins. (Graham goes to Kobe from 5:30am to 8pm every Saturday)
- Itsuki's birthday (falls on a Saturday... eeps)
- Fuzuki walks more than 5 steps! (but looks quite drunk while doing it)
-Graham and Itsuki (mostly the latter) buy a condo currently under construction!
November - Fuzuki's birthday (falls on a Saturday... eeps! What are the odds!)
- We go to watch cirque de soleil (it rocks!)
December - Graham is offered teaching posisitions at 2 different universities!!! (and accepts)
- The Taylor's go back to Canada for Christmas (24 hours of travel with a baby that wants OFF the plane. Can you imagine!!)
As for 2008 here's what's in stall:
January - At work, Itsuki is transferred to a new project section within her group.
- Graham's Master's Degree from Sheffield is conferred!
February - CELTA course ends on the 23rd (hallelujah!).
- Master's Degree from Sheffield arrives in the mail (17 months after submission of dissertation!!! Just in case you were counting)
March - Taylor's move house!!! (look back to October) Our new condo is the ground floor of a 15 story tower right near Ituski's office. There is more space, higher ceilings (I won't have to duck anymore) a huge (by Japanese standards) kitchen/living area, a big patio area for Fuzuki to play outside in!
- Big sister Heather comes to visit for 2 weeks with Stephen (her boyfriend/fiancee?)
April - Graham starts a new Job. Two actually! (by the time April roles around maybe even more!) He'll be teaching 2 English Communication classes on Monday and Thursday mornings at Nanzan University, and 3 English classes on Wednesday at Meijo University!!! Exciting stuff!!