Year in Review - Year in Preview
Happy New Years and belated Merry Christmas to all!

Well it's 2008 now and a lot of things have happened, or are lined up to happen in the upcoming year. Let's review the second half of 2007 (because I can't remember the first half)!
July - Ituski returned to work.
- Fuzuki started nursery.
August - We went to Hawaii for the Nishida wedding. Very cool! (My advice to everyone is to get married in Hawaii)
October - CELTA course begins. (Graham goes to Kobe from 5:30am to 8pm every Saturday)
- Itsuki's birthday (falls on a Saturday... eeps)
- Fuzuki walks more than 5 steps! (but looks quite drunk while doing it)
-Graham and Itsuki (mostly the latter) buy a condo currently under construction!
November - Fuzuki's birthday (falls on a Saturday... eeps! What are the odds!)
- We go to watch cirque de soleil (it rocks!)
December - Graham is offered teaching posisitions at 2 different universities!!! (and accepts)
- The Taylor's go back to Canada for Christmas (24 hours of travel with a baby that wants OFF the plane. Can you imagine!!)
As for 2008 here's what's in stall:
January - At work, Itsuki is transferred to a new project section within her group.
- Graham's Master's Degree from Sheffield is conferred!
February - CELTA course ends on the 23rd (hallelujah!).
- Master's Degree from Sheffield arrives in the mail (17 months after submission of dissertation!!! Just in case you were counting)
March - Taylor's move house!!! (look back to October) Our new condo is the ground floor of a 15 story tower right near Ituski's office. There is more space, higher ceilings (I won't have to duck anymore) a huge (by Japanese standards) kitchen/living area, a big patio area for Fuzuki to play outside in!
- Big sister Heather comes to visit for 2 weeks with Stephen (her boyfriend/fiancee?)
April - Graham starts a new Job. Two actually! (by the time April roles around maybe even more!) He'll be teaching 2 English Communication classes on Monday and Thursday mornings at Nanzan University, and 3 English classes on Wednesday at Meijo University!!! Exciting stuff!!
Hey Graham,
Sounds like an exciting year in the works, although you left out joining the Japanese professional b-ball league and laying some Nowitzki-style slams down on your vertically challenged country-men.
Sorry I missed your visit in K-town; hope to catch you next time round.
Best of luck to you an the fam in '08.
Johnny I should have added that in June of 2007 I sevely rolled my ankle (on a massive rebound over 3 other players) and have been out for re-hab for the past 7 months.
Now some of you will say that an anlke sprain only takes 2 months, 3 at best, but in order to lay down those extreme Nowitzki-style slams I do need the proper rest (read: I'm too busy to play... and thus fat!)
Wow, things do sound good, Graham. Congratulations on the uni jobs. Looking forward to hearing more about them, and of course seeing pics of your new place once you've moved in!
All the best.
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