The Late Miso's Epitaph

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Scholastic Update

Hey you guys remember that neat old little Masters degree I was working my way towards for the last three years... well It's finally going to be awarded to me!!!

Next February.

And then you ask... but didn't you submit your final thesis a year and a month ago? YES. And isn't February 2008 still 4 months ago? YES. Then doesn't that mean that the univeristy is incompetently slow? YES

But none the less... FINALLY my hands can grab onto it!

In the mean time I had realized that I hadn't been paying ridiculously large sums of money to anyone for schooling... "THIS CAN'T BE!" I said to myself. And so, I have signed up for YES another EXPENSIVE schooling experience.

If you haven't heard of the CELTA then google it. It's costing me the better part of a 2 week vacation in Tahiti to get myself certified, but this is about the future... I am planning on teaching more and more and MORE (said with excitement) English! The CELTA will be beneficial (I beleive.)

Oh yeah, to save reading all the google details, CELTA is a 20 day intensive course in teacher training. Since I don't have 20 free days, it is offered every Saturday for 20 weeks! How great... except that the only place in Japan that does this is Kobe.

Get out a map.

Find Nagoya... Find Kobe... measure the distance... and then ask me HOW LONG does it take to get their every Saturday? "Get there and back, you mean?" 3 hours by subway and bullet train or 5 hours by subway and bus. and then you ask me HOW MUCH does that bullet train cost? "Let's just say its not a pretty number".

Nonetheless the course is very interesting (I started it 3 weeks ago) so far and I'm learning lots! So wish me luck.

Halloween PARTe'


If you can't figure it out from the picture... we had another halloween party! (I also borrowed someone's sweet wide angle lens to get this group shot... 10-20degrees...NICE... that would make a SCHWEET Christmas present... HINT HINT)

If you couldn't make me out in the group shot... this little one on one reading session gives away my identity as the magical reading flower.

And yes... what powers I have... "Gather round everyone and hear the flower read you a story!" I beleive the title of this one was "Where are you from little goose." (10 points to whoever knows the answer!)

Fuzuki made a new friend on this day... Akira. It turns out Akira showed him how to walk, because Fuzuki can now WALK as of this day!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Going Under?

And now for a word about my former employer:

Kind of glad I switched to my current employer 3 years back.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Getting Married is Great!

At the begginning of September my buddy from the Masters program I have been taking got married. Great food great (Canadian) music and a great looking people! Aren't weddings GRAND! Both of these pictures feature somethings you don't see very often... Someone taller than me... and Fuzuki smiling AND looking at the camera (in a group shot)!

Congrats Kevin and Chiharu!

How Fast Can You "RUN"!

It's all in the title for this post. Little baby Fuzu is having a bit of a rough weekend. Actually it is mostly his rear end that is having the "rough" weekend.

Saving you the rest of the details let me just tell you that I had two go out and buy two extra bags of diapers to get me through the weekend. Poor little guy.