The annual Taylor Halloween Bash was once again in full swing this year. Decorations began early (October 1st). Although the sheer volume of halloween decorations was a increased it was actually easier to get around the house this year in comparison, because of the higher ceilings.

Still a hallway such as the following is never easy to tackle on your way out the door, late for work, in the morning!

On party night we got all set up with goodies...

... like smoked samon rice balls. And a 2.4 meter giant inflatable jack-o-lantern snowman. This poor jack-o-lantern endured countless attacks from unfriendly pirates and zebra alike!

Also in attendence from China were a Panda and it's "master"...

... a giant spider, and Itsuki the ostridge rider!

No halloween would be complete however (with exception to the last two years), without a REAL jack-o-lantern! The winner of the pumpkin design contest was this bumble bee.
And everyone knows you need to gut a pumpkin before carving it. Everyone except for the Japanese that is... who eat their pumpkins when they are small and green. No one actually believed that we were seriously going to carve the thing until I got my knife out and started cutting. At which point everyone took turns sticking their hands in for a feel.
except for the kids... who might have lost their whole bodies inside of this giant 37Kg beast!

The final result...

... and the whole crew!

Happy Belated Halloween!!!