The Late Miso's Epitaph

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Days of Brrm Brrm Brrrm!!!

Brrm Brrm Brmm!!!

That's Fuzu's favorite sound to make when playing with anything with wheels. So a month ago (because I never actually blog until a month after an event has actually happened) we took him to see a GT race.
For those of you who think that racing is boring... you're right! IF you watch it on TV. If you go to a circuit, there is sooooo much going on! The atmosphere is... it's tense! I won't go into too many details, just got see one yourself. Oh yeah... and bring earplugs!

We were out of the grandstand within minutes of the race start. Elsewhere on the course its not as loud.

We could see a bit even from the parking lot as we left. But Fuzu seemed more interested in getting in some walking practice.

FYI Race day attendence: 40,000+ (good thing we left early)

One Big Step for Fuzu-Kind

For those of you who didn't know. Fuzuki is now walking... anywhere and everywhere, but especially to places that are dirty or threatening. It's super. I'm getting in shape too!
It began a whole month ago just before halloween eve. (I guess he had plans to go door to door and collect or something.) Stability was reached about 2 and a half weeks ago.

Somebody Had a Birthday!

Can you guess who?

Nope. Not Itsuki (her's was in October).

Perhaps that helped. But of all the presents this luckly little lad received, it seemed times that the vaccum cleaner was still going to be his favorite toy. (if only he actually used it instead of attacking it)
And for a special present from his mom, Fuzuki (and me too) got to go to the circus! Circe de Soleil to be more specific. This is not the elephant and tiger kind of circus. More acrobatics, clowns, and so on. It was awesome! You're all from Canada so you should go see it if you haven't recently. Although he slept through the first half of the show, the post-intermission had Fuzuki jumping up and down on my knees!

Happy First Birthday Fuzuki!