After getting into Honolulu Airport at 10:30 am. collecting our bags and doing all the other things neccessary to leave the airport we finally arrived at our Hotel just before 1pm. Check-in was delayed because house cleaning was running behind and we could get into our room until sometime past 1.
The wedding we were attending started at 3:30 and so although 2 hours may seem like a lot of time, when you've got to unpack your bags, iron your clothes, take showers put on make-up (Itsuki not me) and get your baby and all his eating and playing goodies ready - after an 8 hour plane ride - it's not.
We left our room just after 3pm and made it to the front lobby in moments only to find out that, because of construction, the taxi stand for the hotel is a 5 minute walk to the other side of the grounds. The taxi we finally got was great because the guy ran red-yellow lights for us and we arrived in the general vicinity with about 9 minutes to spare before the start of the ceremony, however there was a problem...
We jumped out of the cab and saw a huge church across the street. We crossed the streets, ran up to the entrance and looked inside... it was EMPTY! It was 3:24 and there was no-one there!
My mind was spinning... wrong time? Wrong day? Wrong church!!! We checked the name on a plaque next to the door and sure enough we were at the wrong church and had only 5 minutes before the wedding started!
The next 5 minutes consisted of running around (literally about 1/2 a Km... with a baby, in wedding clothes in 32 degree weather) in circles following (incorrect) directions from construction workers and so on, until finally someone pointed us the right way. Crossing another intersection, Itsuki spotted the green bridesmaid dresses of Merri's wedding party and we had the pleasure of running across 6 lanes of traffic towards the church shouting out "Don't start the wedding yet!" Part of the reason being that I was one of the groomsmen.