Educating Fuzu: Part II
Before I even started writing this post I knocked on wood (knock knock). Before you read it, knock on wood too please!
Now then...
Since the beginning of April, and with the creation of the new KIDS room, Fuzu has been sleeping alone in his bed with Rio alone in her crib, the two of them happy 'enough' in the Kids room. Rio has been an absolute charm (knock knock) waking usually only once during the night.
Fuzu has been wonderful as well. Sleeping even through Rio's wakings...
Rio, has been an angel getting herself to sleep. Rio has her bath, gets wrapped in a towel, we put her on her bed, awake, and she's usually asleep in less than 10min, often without even a peep. Fuzuki on the other hand, after he reads his bedtime books will lie in bed awake for 30, 40, or sometime even 50 minutes.
One night 2 weeks ago Fuzu refused to fall into a peaceful abliss and was up for an hour and 15 minutes after the lights went out. That was the final straw in my patience and the very next day his 'sleep education' began. After explaining what the problem was, we explained to him what the new sleep system was going to be. PJs, teeth, book, lights, and then (instead of sitting in the rocking chair on the other side of the room until he fell asleep) we would stay in his room for only 5 minutes, and then we would leave. After 5 minutes we would come back in again and stay for another 5, and so on, in out in out in out.
The first 5 minutes without us was rough... lots of crying, but in only a couple of days he aclimatized, realized we were coming back and is now quietly lying in bed after the lights go out, getting himself to sleep in about 15 - 25 minutes. (knock knock) Equally important, we can use our five minute windows to do the dishes, an other housework instead of waiting for 30-40 minutes before tackling whatever lays in waiting back in the kitchen and living room. For the 5 mintues while I am in his room, I stretch, and because I know I only have to stretch for 5 minutes I do a good job of it... end result... I CAN TOUCH MY TOES!!!! (this is a big thing for those of you who didn't know it)!
We're all very happy and sleeping more as a result!
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