Flip Ya Like a Pancake!
Have you ever seen someone do a backflip off a swing?
I have. Just the other week in fact. The 'someone' in question... yes you guessed it... Fuzu.
His new found love of swings has had us going from park to park for the last month or so, everytime he gains more and more confidence on the swing and says "push harder push harder"... well I thought we had an understanding ... one that goes "when the swing is moving you DONT let go with your hands"... you say "stop" if you want to get off.
The details are hard to explain.. they are better diagramed... but without such resources I will make do... at the bottom of his forward swing he (for some reason I still don't know) decided to let go with both hands. As the swing carried forward his bum went up with it but the rest of his body started falling backwards until the swing reached the peak of its forward swing at which point his momentum took over and his body completed the downwards flip... well kind of...
End result
Good as new. Tuff guy actually. After spitting the sand out of his mouth at the water fountain he hit the swings again!
We call him "pancake" now.
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