The Late Miso's Epitaph

Thursday, July 24, 2008

End of Semester

In only 3 more days (work days) I will be done with classes and exam vigilation. That means one thing.... SUMMER HOLIDAYS!!!

Since it's been averaging 37 degrees everyday, and I'm gonna love wearing shorts every day, instead of work slacks!

My first semester teaching at uni was great! I certainly learned a lot (in some cases a lot more than the students). The most important thing I learned is probably the ol' "if you assign it, you have to mark it" (which takes time), and that was something I didn't have any of.

I learned something else (perhaps unique to Japanese students), if you assign it for homework and you don't tell them it's worth part of their final grade, they won't do it. This seriously messed with some of my classes because we spent the entire class doing the prep they were supposed to have done for HW instead of doing what we were planning to do in class.

But here I am sounding like an old grumpy grump. It was great and the generally (math majors aside) really did their best in class.

Other good news is that it seems as though my employers are pleased with me. I am being pushed to apply for a full time position by one uni, and being offered more classes at the other unis. Hopefully I can find something that works well.

But for now... time to kick back and relax... a BIT!


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