Allies to the Cause Part II
Well this month there have been a few new entries in the top five allies to the cause list, while some still held their position. Let’s take a look.:
#5 The Nubby Bear Book
#5 The Nubby Bear Book

Entering the charts recently is this fantastic little “rub a fuzzy” book. Not only does it rhyme and have tasty thick pages with holes in them, it’s got fuzzy little fur spots on each page!
#4 The Rocking Horse

Training Fuzu to sit in his high chair was a huge challenge at first. Only the rocking horse helped us with that. It suctions onto the dinner tray (like an octopus) so that he can’t knock it over, and it sways back and forth, mezmorizing it’s prey (like a python?), so that we can get Fuzu’s dinner ready.
#3 The leaf drink coaster

This is also a dinner table item, however it’s used during mom and dad’s dinner hour. Fuzu bites into one of these semi-soft plastic drink coasters and seems to keep him quiet for long enough for at least one of us to finish dinner. Without it, we haven’t had a quiet dinner in more than a month.
#2 The Fuzzy Duckling Book
Remaining on the Top five list, and keeping its spot, there is no bath that takes place, without this book waiting by his PJ’s and fresh diaper. For some reason getting out of the bath is fine, but by the time he is all dried off and ready to recloth, all bets are off! The Quack Quack Book is our ace in the hat!
#1 The White Duck
Keeping its place with it’s jedi mind powers, The White Duck tops the list again.
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