2010 Catch Up
Apologies for being out of touch with most of you for the last 6 weeks or so. Here's a little bit of what's been going on!
Rio's Birthday: She's one year old now! She can walk (5-6 steps), talk (gu, ba, ma), beat up her brother (hair pulling and mental anguish). She has 12 teeth, weighs 8Kg and eats more than her brother most nights! She sleeps through the nights (since 7-8 months), goes to bed by herself (without crying most nights) and loves to copy her brother.
End of the work year: Well two full years working at university have now passed, and I've definitely got my feet now! Exams were marked, grades submitted, and most other administrative stuff was out of the way by the first week of February. For the first time ever I'll actually have two full months to plan classes, make materials, do research reading, and write some papers.
Work group shift for Itsuki: For the first time in 3 years, Itsuki has been moved to a new work team within her division at Toyota. She's up for promotion to 'Chief Engineer' next year, so this year in addition to working as Team Leader, she will be receiving extra training provided by the company.
Workout start: This is only 4 days old now, but I've once again started my 'get in shape' plan for the new year. This one actually stands a chance, unlike previous years, because of how quickly I could get my year end work cleaned up.
Photos are up: http://picasaweb.google.co.jp/Gdoggystink the latest is up (4 new albums) for your viewing pleasure, so check them out!
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