The Late Miso's Epitaph

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sleeping Like a Baby

I'm delighted to announce 4 continuous nights of 6 or more hours of shut eye! Yes Fuzuki is really starting to learn that a dark quiet room, while tucked under a comforter and wrapped in a blanket means sleep! We even check on him sometimes to see if he is OK after getting such a long break to find that he is just lying by himself with his eyes open waiting for it to get light out so that he can call to his servants.

But that's not all! We actually put him to bed a good 2 or 3 hours before we sleep, so he is going for 8 to 9 hours without demanding to be fed. However, I've been told that this blissful period of rest (like a popsicle on a hot summer day) is not meant to last. In addition to days getting longer, and thus the sun rising earlier, babies start getting teething pains at around 6 months. With that comes the good old fashion pattern of 2-3 hour wakings! How delightful.


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